Helping You Change Your Mind


This is normally conducted over Zoom but can be in person if you prefer.

The Initial Consultation is a free session of up to one hour that I offer to people who might be looking for help but would like to understand more about what I do and how Hypnotherapy can help you.

It's only natural that you will have lots of questions which I can answer during this free session.


What is Hypnotherapy and how can it help me?

Hypnosis is a safe, non invasive treatment that freshens up your sub conscious mind, enabling it to detach from negative thought patterns which helps clients achieve long lasting, positive change.

It's a state of heightened awareness and focused concentration.

It is important to realise that the technique does not involve being put into a deep sleep. You remain aware of your surroundings and situation, however, you are able to accept the suggestions of the therapist at a very deep emotional level.

The therapist works collaboratively with the client to foster a state where they are more open to suggestions for therapeutic purposes.

During hypnosis you cannot be made to do anything you do not want to do but you can actively help yourself deal with the challenges of life.

Hypnotherapy can help you with:

Chronic Pain Reduction - Fears and Phobias - Tinnitus Noise Reduction - Weight Management - Quitting Smoking - Sleep Issues 

Stress - Anxiety - Panic Attacks -  Depression - Guilt - Plus Many More

How I Can Help

Hypnotherapy to Help With:

 Stress - Anxiety - Depression -  Weight Management - Sleep Issues - Quitting Smoking - Addictions - Guilt - Anger Management - Lack of Confidence

Fears and Phobias

Fears and Phobias are common, but using hypnotherapy, I can help you unlock them and help you to embrace life, fear or phobia free. Start your healing journey today. 

Tinnitus Noise Reduction

Tinnitus can be a debilitating condition that many people suffer from.

If you have had medical advice but still suffer from tinnitus, then perhaps you should consider hypnosis.

It can, in certain circumstances, help you to Turn Down the Noise.

Pain Therapy

Would You Like to Take Control of Your Pain?


 As a Hypnotherapist, I have always been interested in Chronic Pain - Old Pain. Why it persists and how to take control of it.

I am a Certified OldPain2Go Practitioner - A revolutionary method that is transforming lives for people who live with Chronic Pain.

Although I am a Hypnotherapist, this is not hypnosis - No trance is required.   

    Is This You?

  • Do you have physical and/or Emotional Pain?
  • Do you have an issue with unwanted symptoms?
  • Have you sought medical advice and had the pain for more than 12 weeks?
  • Does it feel like you've tried everything but nothing has worked?
  • Do you take lot's of medication, some with side effects, but it just isn't working?
  • Have you been told that there is nothing else that can be done and you will just have to learn to live with it? 
  • Does it affect many areas of your life?
  • Is no-one listening to you?
  • Do you want to take back control and feel like YOU again?

    The good news is - I can help you, help you!

    We will work together to free you from your trapped, persistent, chronic old pain and symptoms by changing the        way that your brain processes pain signals.

    I will teach you how to become pain free and stay that way.


    I have a diploma in Hypnotherapy approved by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council

    I am a Certified Practitioner in OldPain2Go

    It's a fantastic method which can help you free yourself from ongoing pain


    Julian Murray DHP


    I have had an interest in and a fascination with hypnotherapy since I was a child.

    My grandfather was a self-taught hypnotherapist. I regularly used to visit him when he had a client who he was helping - And that was 50 years ago!

    As a result of this I decided to explore hypnotherapy further and I trained and qualified in Hypnotherapy in 2022.

    Since then, it has become my passion to help people overcome the vast variety of issues that hypnosis can help with.  


    I gained a Diploma in Hypnotherapy approved by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council in 2022

    Free Initial Consultation

    The Initial Consultation is a free session of up to one hour that we offer to people who might be looking for help but would like to understand more about what we do. This is normally conducted over Zoom.

    Session Prices

    £50 Per Hour

    Treatments last for an hour and usually require at least 3 sessions, but sometimes more depending on the issue you present with.  The first session will consist of a consultation to fully explore your goals, followed by a short hypnotherapy session. Successive sessions go deeper, investigating the issues further, to enable you to achieve the outcomes you desire.

    All sessions are completely confidential, giving you a safe space to explore your issues and goals.

    Chronic Pain Reprocessing Therapy

       £100 per session

    The session lasts up to 2 hours

    2 sessions are typically required

    Smoking Cessation


    This is the total cost for 2 x 1.5 Hour Sessions. 


    Val - Devon

    I highly recommend Julian after paying several visits to him last year. I was suffering from extreme anxiety connected to a serious upcoming surgery. After these sessions , I found myself better able to cope with the situations most likely to trigger the episodes.

    As an aside, I was one of those people who  thought I could never be hypnotised. How wrong I was!

    Thank you Julian.

    Tracey - Somerset

    I went to see Julian as I was suffering with extreme pain. I found his voice really soothing and it was easy for me to go into a hypnotic state, which I have been unable to do in the past with other hypnotherapist’s. I was surprised and delighted by how quickly the pain went after my treatment with Julian. I highly recommend him.

    Jemma - Devon

    Anxiety controlled every aspect of my life.  I eventually found the strength to make positive steps to seek help.  Julian helped me improve my mindset with a gentle, kind and understanding approach.  Live your better Life, now medication free and back in control. Thank you Julian.


    Roger - Somerset

    As a long time cynic I would never have previously entertained the thought of seeing a hypnotherapist until I recognised that I needed to try something different to help me deal with a 3 month relapse of the M.E. that has changed my life over the last five and a half years. 

    During the initial consultation where I still had barely regained my voice after nearly 8 weeks of silence, Julian sat patiently and listened intently as I did my best to give him as much information as I could. 

    After expressing my cynicism, I do particularly remember him telling me very politely that having an open mind would be more conducive to better results and I'm very glad to say that I took that first step.

    During our sessions I found Julian's easy manner extremely reassuring and never once felt under any pressure to say the "right thing".

    In fact the conversations we have had have flowed very naturally and have given me a much better insight into what helps me be me. 

    I'm pleased to say that my cynicism was completely unfounded and I look forward to more regular sessions to help me continue to develop a side of me that I never really paid much attention to.... the feeling that I can help myself as well as others by finding the right path and giving consideration to how I deal with the ups and downs that life brings. 

    Thank you Julian


    Excellent therapy makes an excellent you.

    Contact Me

    If you want a confidential chat about how I can help you, please phone or email me
